Friday, June 4, 2010

WEEK #1 - The Intro

Your first step is to create your own blog!

2) View the "Watch a Video Tutorial" link to introduce yourself to the mechanics of creating a blog.
  • Your blog address must be
3) Follow the directions to create your own blog. If you have trouble you can always click "help" in the upper right hand corner of the screen or "Watch a Video Tutorial."

4) When you get it all set up, create a profile for yourself under "Edit Profile."
  • Post a picture of yourself or an image that represents you. This can further be edited during your own time if desired.
5) Now it's time to post!

Part 1 -
Poetry is a vehicle that articulates feelings. It can make us laugh, cry, or get angry.
Poetry teaches us to feel. Using words to convey our thoughts, ideas, and emotions to others is one of the most powerful tools that can be used in the world today. Look through the list of Favorite Poets on the side of this blog and write in your own blog about the ideas and themes in two of the poems. How do they make you feel? What do they make you think of? You may find your own poet/poems to use if you ask for permission from Brandon first.

Part 2 -
Write a poem that has ten words in the first line, nine words in the second line, eight words in the second line, etc. until the tenth line has only one word in it. The topic can be anything of your choosing, but the poem must have a title. Keep in mind, you will be reading this to the class.

All assignments are due at the end of the week. You will be reading your poem to the class on Tuesday of next week.

All assignment parts are to be posted on your own blog, not as a comment on this blog.