Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Week #3

Journal Writing:

For an all-expense-paid, one-week vacation anywhere in the world, would you be willing to kill a beautiful butterfly by pulling off its wings? What about stepping on a cockroach?

Why does a beautiful creature merit more compassion than an ugly one? Does it damage us psychologically when we destroy something we find beautiful?

How meaningful is the difference between pulling the wings off an insect and stepping on it? Is the decision of how to kill something a minor decision when balanced against the decision of whether or not to kill it at all?

How does this idea relate to the oil spill that is occurring in the Gulf of Mexico today?

Poetry Prompt:

Write a poem that is about something you think is “beautiful.” This can be an object, a person, something in nature, a person’s personality, a song, an article of clothing, a book, etc. There must be a prevalent uses of alliteration throughout the poem.

Both of these assignments, and all previous assignments, are due in your blog by Thursday, July 29, 2010.

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